
Tuile - Project Manager, Game Designer, and Pixel Artist

Smerelo - Programmer

Laurent Mis - Sound Designer

The Game

You are a Conductor on the last train that is trying to reach Delta Station before the nearby areas get crushed by the dead star, World's End, which has suddenly turned into a new black hole.

You'll have to keep an eye on the Capacity Limit of the train. Take on the required number of passengers, and throw off as illegal passengers as you can in order to get through all 3 stations, or else, risk slowing down the train. If the Capacity Limit fills up, it's game over, for all of us.

You can also lose the game if you get 3 Warnings from the Head Conductor by:

  • Taking too long to handle queues (45s without a decision)/letting one get too long.
  • Capacity Limit is nearly full (80%/40 passengers)
  • Let in 4 illegal passengers in a row, into the train
  • Reject 4 legitimate passengers in a row from entering the train
  • Kick 3 good passengers in a row, out of the train


When the Train is Flying in Space

Move left or right using ARROW KEYS. Anyone that has an indicator over their heads is an illegal passenger. Interact with them using SPACE to throw them out of the train through the evacuation vent.

When the Train is at a Space Station

You have two queues of passengers waiting to get on the train. Press SPACE to look at the passenger's ticket at the doors, and accept or reject them**.**

A legitimate ticket will have:

  • At the top, an image of a train with "To Delta" written on it.
  • "One Way Ticket", written right underneath that.
  • It will be "PAID" for, so there should be a red stamp.
  • A barcode at the bottom of the ticket.

While watching out for those with fake tickets, keep an eye out for anyone who tries to climb into the train!

Smash the SPACE bar to push the train climbers out!

If you happen to come across someone with a Unique Story while checking tickets, you can decide if you want to let them on or not. Don't forget, you can only take on a limited number of passengers per station, or risk slowing down the train and getting engulfed by the black hole that is rapidly getting closer.

Depending on your choices, you will get a different ending! Good luck!

Development log

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